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privacy policy


Online store privacy policy

We have created this privacy policy for people visiting the website (hereinafter "Website"), i.e. the Zetpol online store (hereinafter "Shop").

The administrator of your personal data in connection with the use of the Store is: Paweł Zieliński, an entrepreneur running a business under the name ZETPOL with its registered office at: ul. Południowa 16, 42-262 Poczesna k / Częstochowa, entered into the Central Registration and Information on Business, NIP: 9492193468.

In all matters related to the processing of personal data, you can contact us at the following e-mail address: It is also possible to contact us in writing at the registered office address given above.

For your convenience, we have divided this document into two parts:
  1. Cookies and other technologies
  2. Other purposes of processing personal data of Store users
If you are short on time, click on the link for the part that interests you the most. If you have a moment more, we encourage you to read the entire text.


We use cookies and other similar mechanisms to understand how users use our Website and for marketing purposes, including to show them advertisements elsewhere on the Internet.

# What are cookies?

A cookie is a small text file saved by a website on your computer, phone or other device on which you are viewing the website. The cookie contains data about your use of this website.

Some cookies are necessary for the operation of our Store and cannot be disabled.
In other cases, when you first enter our Website, we ask you to consent to the installation of cookies. We do not use advertising or analytics (or any other non-essential) cookies without your consent.

# What cookies do we use?

  1. Necessary cookies
    • These cookies are used for the proper functioning of the website. You cannot disable them because if you disable them, our website simply will not work properly.
    • In this regard, we use a tool that stores your privacy settings. Shows your consent or lack thereof to the use of particular types of cookies on our website.
    • Other necessary cookies on our Website are used for its proper functioning and management, including: to make changes to the website and to run tracking tools that you consent to.
  2. Statistical analyzes of our Website
    • We use tools that collect analytical data so that we can understand how users use our Website. The data we receive from these tools does not give us information about a specific person known by name, but allows us to record various aspects of the use of the Website by a given user. We may aggregate and analyze this data statistically and then use it to make decisions about changes in our Store and/or in the ways we conduct advertising and marketing communications.
    • The list of analytical tools we use on the Website, together with an explanation of: (i) who is the supplier of the tool, (ii) what it is used for, (iii) what data is collected as part of a given tool - can be found in Annex 1 to this policy , and briefly also in the cookie consent management panel.
  3. Advertising cookies
    • We use advertising tools that allow us to display our ads on other websites you visit, including on social media (so-called targeted ads), measure the effectiveness of our advertising campaigns, and match the content of our messages addressed to you to the information that you We have you.
    • In the Store, we allow you to subscribe to our newsletter. Therefore, cookies are used to embed a subscription form on our Website and to measure the effectiveness of subscriptions to this form. Modern e-mail marketing systems allow us to combine analytical data from mailing campaigns with analytical data from the Store. We may use this data to optimize the content of messages sent to newsletter subscribers.
    • The list of advertising tools we use on the Website, along with an explanation of: (i) who is the supplier of the tool, (ii) what it is used for in detail - can be found in Annex 1 to this policy, and briefly also in the cookie consent management panel.
  4. Functional cookies
    • Some cookies on our website are used to run additional tools on the Store's website, such as a chat, a module for adding product reviews and/or stars, the ability to recommend a product to a friend, the ability to display products recently viewed in our Store, etc.
    • A list of the functional tools we use on the Website, along with an explanation of what they are used for, can be found in the cookie consent management panel.

# Legal issues regarding cookies

The legal basis for the Store's use of essential cookies (indicated above in the "What cookies do we use?" section) is our legitimate interest, i.e. the right to run a Website that supports our business, and the need to maintain its security.
The legal basis for our use of other cookies is your consent.

Due to our processing of your personal data using cookies, you have the rights described below at any time.

Our use of cookies, in particular for advertising purposes, may involve the so-called profiling. This means that we or marketing companies whose services we use may create a user profile based on the collected information (e.g. e-mail address, order history, type of device, technology used, frequency of visits) and based on this, formulate purchase forecasts for future. This allows us to make decisions about what content (including advertising) to display on our and other websites.

# How long do cookies stay on the user's device?

It depends on whether they are "persistent" or "session" files. Session cookies, i.e. information necessary for the browser's functionalities to work properly, expire after the end of the user session, i.e. each time you close our Website. Persistent cookies that make using the website easier (e.g. remember the selected resolution, content layout, user preferences, recently viewed products) will be stored by the browser longer and will remain there until their expiry date, unless you delete them earlier using settings in the browser menu.

Third-party cookies (i.e. analytical, advertising and social media cookies) are subject to their own privacy policies, to which we provide you with links in this policy.

II. Other purposes of processing personal data of Store users

# What data do we process and for what purposes?

In addition to the cookies described above, we process the following your data for the following purposes related to the operation of the Store:

Processing orders in the Store, servicing customer accounts in the Store Customer identification and contact details (e-mail address and other data necessary to complete the order).

Details and order execution history.
The contract concluded with you as a customer of the Store - art. 6 section 1 letter b) GDPR
Contact with you, handling inquiries Identification data and other information that you provide to us in the contact form or in other correspondence.

History of correspondence.
Our legitimate interest in ensuring communication with persons who send us inquiries/correspondence - Art. 6 section 1 letter f) GDPR
Complaint handling and other after-sales service (e.g. in the event of withdrawal from the contract) Customer identification and contact details. Details and order execution history. History of correspondence. Our legitimate interest in handling complaints and implementing the contract withdrawal procedure - Art. 6 section 1 letter f) GDPR
Collecting opinions and comments about products Content of the opinion/comment.

Identification data of the person sending/publishing the opinion/comment.
Your consent, expressed by the act of sending and/or publishing an opinion and/or comment - Art. 6 section 1 letter a) GDPR
Archives All data listed in this table received from customers and users of the Store for various purposes Our legitimate interest in securing data for the purposes of establishing, defending or pursuing claims and for the purpose of demonstrating compliance with the obligations arising from the GDPR - Art. 6 section 1 letter f) GDPR
Accounting, tax purposes Customer identification and contact details.
Invoice details.
Fulfillment of tax obligations arising from legal provisions - Art. 6 section 1 letter c) GDPR
Newsletter E-mail address.
Statistical data related to sent messages, including opening history.
Our legitimate interest resulting from your marketing consent - Art. 6 section 1 letter f) GDPR
Analysis and statistics of sales in the Store Statistics of store sales and user behavior (traffic) on the Website Our legitimate interest in conducting business analyzes in order to optimize our operations. In terms of traffic statistics on the Website - legitimate interest resulting from your consent to cookies - Art. 6 section 1 letter f) GDPR
Marketing purposes Data about the history of browsing the content of the Store, purchase history, demographic characteristics (age, gender, etc.) and other features characterizing target groups (customer segments) Our legitimate interest in marketing our own products and services, however, marketing activities related to the use of cookies and/or marketing communications addressed directly to you require your prior consent - Art. 6 section 1 letter f) GDPR
Purpose of processing Type of data processed Legal basis for processing

Providing the above data is not obligatory, but it is necessary to process your order, issue an invoice, notify you about the status of the order, respond to your inquiry or complaint, etc.

# How long do we process data?

We process your data related to placing an order in the Store for as long as it is necessary to complete the order, as well as in accordance with accounting and tax regulations.

In addition, we will process data for the time necessary to achieve the purposes listed above in the table (i.e. until our legal interest enabling us to process ceases, or until you raise an objection to the processing, or until you withdraw your marketing consent - if you gave us one). Further processing will only be possible if we, as the administrator, have such a legal obligation (in particular for tax purposes) and possibly for archival purposes to protect against possible claims (until such claims expire).

# Who do we share your data with?

In our business, we use the services of other cooperating companies, therefore your data may be entrusted by us to: a company providing us with software for running the Store, an accounting company, the hosting provider of our Website, the hosting provider of our e-mail, the provider of the e-mail marketing system, other companies which services and marketing tools we use. Your data is also transferred to courier companies and possibly payment intermediaries in order to process your order, and these companies are separate personal data administrators.

We participate in a customer satisfaction/customer opinion research program. If you agree to be included in such a survey, your data will be made available to the organizer of the customer satisfaction survey system. This entity is a separate administrator of your personal data.

For the purposes of marketing activities described above in the "Cookies" section, we use services provided by entities based in the USA (Google, Facebook). Therefore, personal data may be transferred to third countries that are not members of the European Union. An appropriate level of protection for your data is ensured by the Data Privacy Framework, which you can read more about here .

# Your rights in connection with data processing

We commit to respecting the confidentiality of your personal data and ensuring that you can exercise your rights. You can exercise your rights at no cost to you by sending us an email or otherwise contacting us.

Remember that in connection with the processing of your data, you have the right to:

  • request from us access to the data we hold about you;
  • rectification of your data;
  • delete your data if it is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was processed or we do not have another legal basis for processing it;
  • withdraw consent to the processing of your personal data, if you have expressed it;
  • object to the processing of your data if we process it on the basis of a legitimate interest;
  • restrictions on data processing;
  • submit a complaint to the President of the Personal Data Protection Office if you believe that your data is being processed by us unlawfully.

# Additional information for newsletter subscribers

If you have subscribed to our newsletter, we will send you marketing information regarding our products and/or services, e.g. about new products in our offer, promotions or special offers.

You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link in each newsletter or by simply writing us a message.

A modern e-mail marketing system allows you to analyze recipients' actions, i.e. it tells us whether a given message has been opened by you. We analyze such information to better adapt the content of the newsletter and notifications to your interests and to send you personalized messages (profiling). You can object to our processing of your data at any time. If a subscriber is inactive for 18 months, we may stop sending him the newsletter. In this case, we will remove you from our subscriber list (with additional notice).

We do not use your data to make decisions based on automated data processing that could affect your legal situation or have other similarly important effects for you.

You can read further legal information about the rules for sending our newsletter in the Newsletter Regulations (part of our Store Regulations).


    1. We use Google Analytics
      • The information that Google Analytics collects about users includes: how many times the user visits the website; which subpages he visits; date of first and last visit; duration of visits; the page from which the user visited the website (source of arrival); the browser the user is using; link that was clicked; place in the world from which the user is accessing, anonymized (shortened) IP address, etc.
      • Google assigns individual users their own identifier (so-called Google ID) and collects data obtained from cookies from various websites on its servers. We - as the owner of the Website - may receive reports (statistics) from Google only related to traffic on our Website. These reports, of course, only cover people who have agreed on our Website to have their visits recorded by Google Analytics.
      • You can find further details on how Google Analytics works here and here .
      • You can also permanently prevent Google Analytics from recording information from your browser by installing a special plug-in here .
    2. Cookies from the software provider of our Store
      • The software provider thanks to which our Store operates - i.e. the owner of the platform - places cookies on our Website in order to collect aggregate information on how customers use online stores (opened subpages and time spent on them, displayed products, clicks). on the Store's website, analytical information regarding purchases, e.g. conversion rates).
      • This data is used to create collective reports for e-shop owners, containing general (without personal data) information, including: about what products interest customers of a given store, during what period of the year there is increased traffic or sales in stores, etc. Thanks to this, sellers (including us) can improve their stores and optimize sales processes.
      • You can read full information on this subject in the Cookie Policy for people visiting Shoper stores.
    1. We use Google Ads and other Google advertising tools
      • Google collects data obtained from cookies placed on your device on its servers. This data is collected on all websites where you have allowed the use of cookies for advertising purposes by Google (including our Website), as well as from the advertisements you have clicked on. Google uses this information to display ads on other sites you visit. Typically, cookies from Google expire after 3 months.
      • We, as advertisers using Google services, do not have access to data from cookies saved on your device, but we can order advertisements to target groups with characteristics selected by us, e.g. to all people who visited our website (or its specific subpage) in in the last 7 days. This data is only statistical material for us, and we order advertisements only on the basis of collective criteria (to specific target groups, not to a specific user).
      • We may also use (as part of the Google Marketing Platform) tools to measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns (e.g. how many people clicked on a given ad in a specific time).
      • You can read more about how Google uses cookies to display ads and how you can manage your ad settings here and here .
    2. Meta conversion pixel (Facebook and Instagram)
      • We use the so-called "conversion pixel" (remarketing pixel) Meta for managing ads on Facebook and Instagram.
      • If you consent to the use of this cookie on our Website, then Meta Platforms websites use this tool to obtain information that you have visited our Website. This information is assigned to your profile on a given website, if you have one. If you are not a user of these websites, the information is assigned to the so-called cookies created for you. "Facebook ID".
      • Thanks to this, we can order advertisements on Facebook and Instagram to people who have already visited our Website or its individual subpages (remarketing). We then only receive statistical data from Meta Platforms regarding the effectiveness of advertising (e.g. how many people saw our ad, how many people clicked on it), without reference to specific users.
      • If you have a Facebook or Instagram account, we encourage you to read further information about data protection on these websites here and here .
      • You can read more about the Meta remarketing pixel here .
    3. E-mail marketing
      • For the purposes of the newsletter, we use a tool provided to us by an external company.
      • The e-mail marketing system embeds cookies on our Website to display subscription forms and to measure the effectiveness of these forms (conversion rate).