The art of measuring shoes. How to fit shoes to children's feet?
Children's footwear should not only be visually attractive, made of good quality, solid and at the same time breathable materials, but above all, ideally suited to the child's feet. Not only the development of the feet, but also the correct posture of the entire body depends on the correct selection of footwear. So how to measure shoes to measure them correctly?
Not just one foot
While as adults, when trying on shoes, we often only try on the right or left shoe, in the case of children, both feet should be measured before going to the store. It often turns out thatone foot is slightly largerthan the other, and we should choose the size for the larger one.
Let's ask our toddler if there is enough room in the shoe, even with a thick sock. The clearance should be 7 to 9 mm. Such footwear will not be too tight and will not cause foot deformation.
We often use a ruler to measure our child's foot, but most of us do it incorrectly. For such a measurement to make sense, the child must standwith her legs slightly apart with her body weight distributed on both limbs.She should rest her back and heels against the wall and stand on a clean sheet of paper . Let's mark the furthest point of the foot on it and then measure the distance with a ruler. In the store, let's compare our result with the size chart.
Another way to perfectly fit shoes to children's feet is to outline the foot.
Let's place the child straight with the legs apart with the body weight evenly distributed. Then we outline the feet by holding a pen or pencilperpendicular to the sheet of paper. Then let's measure the distance between the furthest points.
Measuring cups
However, if we care about time on the one hand and exceptionally accurate measurement on the other, we should buy specialized measuring devices that work on the principle of calipers. The child puts his foot in it, and then we move the slider to the furthest point.
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